Trang chủ » Understanding Thyroid Eye Disease: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

Understanding Thyroid Eye Disease: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

Admin - 5 Th1, 2025

Some eye diseases, like immune system diseases and thyroid eye diseases, can hurt the eyes. The defence system doesn’t work as well because of them. Because of inflammation, the muscles and tissue in the eyes get bigger. There are a few different signs that you might have thyroid eye disease. Eyes often feel dry and rough.

You might have trouble seeing when your eyes get swollen because they might move forward. You might lose your sight, but it’s not likely. There are some things you can do to ease pain and keep your eyes healthy. You may also need help with your friendships and mental health. The eye disease caused by the thyroid is now called Graves’ ophthalmopathy instead of Graves’ ophthalmopathy orbitopathy and eye disease.


When you have a thyroid eye disease, the muscles and cells in your eyes can get hurt by swelling. Thyroid eye disease is bad for the thyroid. Most of the time, people have these signs:

⦁ It can hurt your eyes to look up, down, or sideways sometimes.
⦁ Itching, dry eyes, and dryness may happen to people who wear contact lenses, and it may be hard to put them in and take them out.
⦁ The eye and the skin around it are turning red and swollen.
⦁ That’s what it’s called when the cells in the orbit get bigger and push the eye forward. People who have thyroid eye disease may look like their eyes are big or stick out in strange ways. When you have a thyroid eye disease, the muscles in your orbit get bigger, which moves your eye forward.
⦁ Eyes that look red
⦁ Seeing diplopia from two different points of view
⦁ Being sensitive to light
⦁ It’s easier to see things when your eyes are healthy.

It’s getting worse and worse over time. The plant sleeps for about six months to two years. It’s less likely to come back when it’s asleep.

Causes Of Thyroid Eye Disease (thyroiditis)

Our immune systems keep us from getting sick and getting infections. When you have thyroid eye disease, your body attacks the skin around your eyes like it’s an outside threat. Because of this, your immune system sends antibodies to attack the fat and muscles around your eye. Professionals say that no one knows what makes some people react in this defensive way. Researchers are always looking into all of these things.

Who Is The Target?

People who already have hyperthyroidism are more likely to get it. Sometimes, thyroids that aren’t working right can also cause this. Your thyroid numbers should be fine, but you should still call them every so often.

What Is The Relationship Between It And Graves’ Disease?

The thyroid gland is affected by Graves’ disease, which is a problem with the body’s defences. There is too much thyroid hormone in your body after the attack. Being sick with Graves’ disease does not lead to thyroid eye sickness. But they both show up at the same time. Because the cells around your eyes have proteins that are similar to those in your thyroid gland, the two diseases may happen at the same time.

If you have Graves’ disease and any of the following risk factors, you are more likely to get thyroid eye disease:

⦁ You smoke a pack of cigarettes.
⦁ It looks like you’re a lady.
⦁ Numerous genetic factors are against you.
⦁ You are going to get radioiodine therapy.

What Is The Effect On The Eyes Of Smoking?

Because it mostly affects the orbit, which is where your eyes are, the disease may stick out from your eyes. When immune cells inflame, fat and muscle in other parts of the body grow. You might not be able to close your eyes if your puffiness is very bad.

You May Also Include Different Symptoms, Such As:

⦁ There is blood in the whites of your eyes.
⦁ Being itchy, like something is in your eye
⦁ Being in pain and having stress
⦁ Have eyes that are wet or dry
⦁ Having two different thoughts
⦁ Being easy to light up

Is It Possible To Prevent It?

Some things might protect you from getting thyroid eye disease. It has been shown that applying radioactive iodine to treat a swollen thyroid may make eye issues worse. If you need treatment for this eye disease, your doctor may give you prednisone. These steps might get rid of the sickness.

What Is The Duration Of The Condition?

Each person who gets the sickness feels different things. The swelling could last for 62 years. Even after the swelling goes away, your eyes may still hurt.


Go to an eye doctor to get a full eye exam if you have hyperthyroidism and eye problems. If you’ve never had thyroid problems, the doctor will take some blood. Your doctor might notice if the muscles in your eyes get bigger. To find out if the diagnosis is correct, an MRI or CT scan of the eyes may look for skin growth behind the eye.


Flammable eye drops and fake tears every day can help with mild cases. Stay away from strong winds and bright lights. If your symptoms are really bad, your doctor may tell you to take over-the-counter pain relievers or steroids like prednisone to help reduce swelling.

A very small number of people may need occipital decompression surgery. The bone between the eye socket, as well as the air sinus behind it, is taken out during this treatment. This makes room for the eye. This might help your eyesight, but it might also make you see things twice.

When scar tissue shortens an eye muscle, this is called ophthalmopathy. It can lead to double vision. Reattaching the eye muscle to its proper length may help single vision after surgery on the eye muscle, but it may take more than one surgery to work.

You may feel better by yourself. Your doctor may give you medicine or tell you what you can do at home to make your eyes less red and calm down if they need to. Surgery might be needed if these other cures don’t work. Taking care of Graves’ disease is not the same as taking care of thyroid eye problems. Issues with the eyes may appear after taking thyroid medicine.

You need to work with a group of doctors like the ones below for the best results.

⦁ This type of doctor is called a primary care doctor.
⦁ An ophthalmologist (or optometrist) is a doctor who specialises in eye care. An endocrinologist is a doctor who treats problems with the hormone system.
⦁ A kind person who can help people with mental illnesses


When they go outside, people who have thyroid eye disease should always wear sunglasses. Light, wind, and UV rays might harm the eyes more because of this. You might feel less pain and swelling if you raise the head of your bed. Also, cool packs might help.